Innuos Zen next-gen vs. Pulsar for streaming...?

Hi all,

The question is, has anyone had a chance to listen to both of these units and evaluate them on their streaming performance.  I've heard the Innuos Pulsar but haven't had the chance to hear the Zen next-gen streaming Qobuz or Tidal.  The Zen has additional capabilities (so it's not apples to apples) but I'm wondering if the big jump in price of the Zen next-gen improves the streaming performance over the Pulsar?

For the sake of the discussion only comments and opinions on these two units would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance, Rick 


Showing 1 response by soix

It doesn’t help that there just seems to be very few reviews of any of their newer streamers, especially from review sites/mags that I at least consider to be reputable.  Nonexistent as far as I can see.  Frustrating.