Op we recommend you another path forward,
we did a shootout of our 432Evo Aeon server at an Innous dealer after AXPONA last year.
We compared our Aeon server, $7800 to an Innous Statement Next Gen.
and we all felt the Aeon sounded just as good as the 27k Innous Statement.
The Aeon, is one of the most advanced servers on the market:
the Aeon physically and electrically isolates, the cpu from the clock card and USB card,
this design allows for easy upgrades as all three major components are separated from each other including, two outboard Sbooster power supplies which supplies power to electrically isolate the cpu, from the clock and USB cards.
And the Aeon was designed to run Roon as a full Core,
Evo utilizes a proprietary Operating system designed for low latency, while maximizing Roon’s sound quality by as running Roon in its own core on the CPU, while caching Music on another Core, and running other processes on yet another CPU core.
If the Aeon sounded as good as a Statement, then we are obviously going to outperform a pulse.
Dave and Troy
Audio intellect NJ
432evo dealers former innous dealers