Innuos - New Re-Clocker

Heard Innuos was launching a Re-Clocker.  Anyone have details on the specs and performance?

Showing 4 responses by ron17


Thank you for your report on the Phoenix in your system. So did you use an aftermarket PC, footers and a high quality USB cable or did you keep it basic for the demo? Can you elaborate more on what you heard?

I might have to re think my stance on pairing a Phoenix with my ZENith mk2 SE vs selling my SE and going for the Statement.
 Thank you for your thoughts on the Phoenix reclocker. I have an Innuos ZENith mk2 SE and have been considering the Statement or adding the Phoenix to my mk2 SE. After doing the math ie... cost of the ZENith mk2 SE + Phoenix + an additional USB + additional powercord + footers, the total cost is close to that of a Statement. I'm really on the fence here. I did talk with someone who has owned the ZENith mk2 SE and now owns the Statement and he told me to go for the Statement because of the additional power supply.

Any more users of the Phoenix care to share?  
How I did the math.....I have a ZENith mk2 SE (4TB) that retailed for $9k. The Phoenix Reclocker retails for $3150.00. The Phoenix would require an additional power cord + footers + another USB cable. Let's say you spend $1.5k on the additional PC, footers and USB cable. That brings a total of aprox. $13,650 (retail). A new Statement with 2 TB's retails for $14,400. I spoke to Mark Sossa (Innuos importer that I bought my ZENith mk2 SE from) and someone I met on Agon who had the ZENith mk2 SE and now owns the Statement and both of them told me the Statement was a BIG step up from the SE. Mark told me the ZENith mk2 SE + the Phoenix gets close but that the Statement was still superior in every way..... So I thought I would rather spend a few bucks more and get the better sounding Statement....Also I use all Nordost cables and Stillpoints Ultra 6's on my ZENith mk2 SE so the figure of $1.5k on the additional power cord, USB cable and isolation would actually run me more, making the cost between the two versions about the same $. I understand that you don't have to use footers under the Phoenix and you can spend less on a PC and USB but I found (in my system) that those 3 items really made a BIG improvement in SQ vs cheaper versions.

I am looking for a used or demo Statement at the moment.

I agree with you. And someone with a less costly server might benefit from from adding the Phoenix and make more sense/cents. For me the total cost each way (my ZENith mk2 SE + Phoenix vs Statement) is too close.

As far as availability, I spoke with an Innuos rep a month ago who told me there was plenty of Phoenix stock. I haven't called dealers to verify that though.