@inna Tell me your speakers and I'll tell you who you are

@inna. You said: "Tell me what speakers you choose and why and I'll tell you who you are."
ESL57. Love their see-through transparency. Fire away!

Showing 1 response by rbstehno

Inna, your comment: “There is absolutely nothing in essense you can do to fundamentally change the way speakers sound. They are what they are.“

This is supposed to be a joke, right? There are many things that can change the sound of your speakers: speaker positioning, room, amp power, and more. 

If I put a speaker with a port in the back up against the wall, you don’t think the bass will change if you move the speaker out feet into the room?
say you own a pair of Wilson Alexia 2 or Maxx 3 speakers and you drive them with a 100 watt onkyo receiver, don’t you think the speakers will sound better if you are using a Solution or a 1000 watt McIntosh amp?