@inna Tell me your speakers and I'll tell you who you are

@inna. You said: "Tell me what speakers you choose and why and I'll tell you who you are."
ESL57. Love their see-through transparency. Fire away!

Showing 2 responses by bdp24

Speakers are musical instruments? That is the single most anti-hi-fidelity statement I have ever heard! Speakers reproduce the sound made by musical instruments, a VERY different thing from producing that sound in the first place. Musical instruments make sound unique to each instrument, each with it's own unique timbre and character. Speakers, ideally, have no sound of their own---a perfectly transparent, uncolored reproducer.
Magneplanar Tympani-IVa, but my current (and in all likely hood permanent and final) music room is not big enough for them. So I have to get along on Quad ESL and Eminent Technology LFT-8b & LFT-4 loudspeakers, augmented with GR Research/Rythmik OB/Dipole Subs. Not all at the same time, you understand!