Inherited system

I was left a nice system but looking to sell it. Looking for advice on best methods and places to list. Parasound, oppo, emotiva, linkwitz lab… any help is appreciated. First post here, please be gentle. 


Where are you located?
Pictures of the gear with a newspaper next to them?

Ordinarily, this space is not for offering gear but you are asking for advice on pricing presumably. I have no tie to this site, financially, but unless it is junk, you should as a courtesy use the Audiogon sales pages to offer it.

That said, people do need model numbers and perhaps some additional information to tell you what's what.

Your alternative is to search for identical units on sale elswhere and try to come up with a median price.

Some gear is valuable or collectible. Can't even begin to suggest market for what you have without knowing more. And I'm not playing guru here, just telling you what I think will be necessary if you are to get any value from this posting. 

Most dealers offer a fraction of what gear is worth b/c they have to resell it, and sometimes, fix it, to make a sale. 

Good luck,