inexpensive streaming setup

Today I am almost exclusively vinyl for critical listening (3000 albums). Several years ago I went to a DAP to listen to while traveling. I now use the DAP at home plugged into my preamp via it’s line out and stream from Tidal to add to my relatively small collection of digital files. I would like to try a streaming setup that has comparable sound quality without breaking the bank. The DAP is Hiby R6 plugged into the Aux on a Melos 333 reference preamp, a Jolida JD 502 P Power Amplifier, REL T7 Sub, Martin Logan Aries speakers, and VPI Aries turntable with a Koetsu Black cartridge. I do not expect it to sound as good as my analog setup but at least as good as the R6 playing through my system.

Currently looking at a Bluesound Node and Hub.

Anyone have any other suggestions.

Thanks in advance


Showing 1 response by mofojo

I say buy a node and then later an external 1-2k dac as funds allow if not happy.