Inexpensive Good Vintage Turntables?

I'm considering buying a turntable again. I've been without one for going on 10 years. This time around, could you recommend some really good inexpensive models (prefer belt but DD OK, too). And carts (preferably modern) that will work with them? And who are good online sellers of restored models? I know very little about vintage turntables ...


Showing 2 responses by asvjerry

Reacting to the ’vintage’ post, there are more older tables that performed well; not SOTA for their era, but may have gotten matched with a ’so-so’ arm and cart.

I’ve an older Marantz table that I intend to mate with a tangential arm, cart subject to budget and reasonable ’returns’ for it as a whole ’performance concept’. *L*

(SOTA is a state of mind, imho... ;) ...There will Always Be Better...*G*)

Have an old Rabco SL8 (...yes, go and’s ok...) that could be subject to the plethora of mods for grins....but a diy tang arm is not out of consideration...

"I have the technology..."
The time?


Pivot arms will be rejected.
Like you, I have my preferences...*S*

And, it hinges on your expectations, as usual....