Inexpensive but decent 8" subwoofers

My current setup is Bluesound Powernode (N330) -> Blueroom Minipods

Which obviously isn't a high end system, but balances decent sound with sleek looks.

Looking for a 8" subwoofer which won't break the bank. Bonus points if it also looks good/minimal!


Showing 1 response by rettrussell

I concur that the SVS 3000 Micro deserves a look.

It combines two horizontally opposed 8" woofers in a compact, attractive package which i was able to fit under a buffet used as my stereo cabinet.

I bought one a few months ago and then added a second one more recently, which I think balances the bass in support of a pair of K-horns.

A mobile app is handy and I can attest that the current customer support is good.