Industrial grade steel storage rack as audio rack?

Hi everyone,

I recently came across this industrial grade storage grack that holds up to 250 pounds:

I was wondering if it would be ok to use this for my turntable and amp? Both components will first be placed on top of isolated platforms and then those platforms would be placed on the rack shelves.

Thanks in advance.

Showing 2 responses by onhwy61

What turntable are you using and what isolation platform will it rest on?

Racks like this generally aren't that great for audio, but at that price it might be workable.
I've reconsidered. Definitely don't do it. Instead try putting together a "custom" Ikea Lack equipment rack. The Lack side table retails for $13 and you'll need 2 or 3. Here's a link to images of what people have done with them as equipment racks. With a little imagination, a drill, some spikes, a saw and sorbothane you will have a far, far better rack than what you're contemplating and do it for less than $100. You can probably even use you Timbernation platforms.