In search of quality mc Phono stage

Hello all

My system

Audio Note Voyd TT with Audio Nite An arm 3

Koetsu Black MC cart

 vintage Tube Mac pre and amp

 various speakers. AN E to AR LST to Tannoy MG’s

 budget is 1500 USD on the used market. 
Music taste is rock or blues or Jazz

I  know nothing about phono stage.  What makes them good what makes them bad. Should I go with tube or should I go with solid-state. All suggestions are welcome. I think 50 to 60% of new retail price is adequate on the used market.

 Thanks for any help



Showing 1 response by ghdprentice

Phono stages are extremely critical in getting the sound your turntable and cartridge are capable of creating. I definitely recommend tubes to get the full musicality.


You have a very high quality turntable and cartridge so I recommend a phonostage from Audio Research (my favorite), Conrad Johnson, or Presto. However, I would save up. I would invest something on the order of the value of your turntable.

To get most of the capability from your TT I would recommend a used Audio Research PH8. Better would… well be better. But given the really low number you threw out this will get you 90% there.