I used to ponder the same question.
It all boils down to what audio equipment you've heard, and your ability to accurately analyze what you're hearing.
This evelution can be a doubled edge sword.
For example, there have been many times when I felt my system sounded as good as it possibly could.
Then I acquire a new piece of equipment that ellevates things to a whole new level and I couldn't immagine listening ever again without that piece equipment.
It's very difficult to know what your missing and the weaknesses in your system until you hear something better.
Hence the double edge sword because this can get quite expensive.
Once you go down this road, having a fair amount of disposable income would problably help the situation.
It seams many audiophiles become bitter or go into denial, when they figure out just how much it usually takes to achieve the higher levels of audio playback available today.
Unfortunately, spending a tone of money doesn't alway get you there.
One recent example I experienced was with my headphones.
I had been using Sennheiser 650s which I thought sounded about as good as any headphone possibly could, and I really enjoyed listening to them.
Then along comes the new AKG 701s, which everyone is proclaiming as the new BEST headphone. So I get a pair and low and behold, they were right.
The 701s blow the 650s away in every catagory. After listening to the 701s I can't understand how I could have ever tolerated the 650s, they just sound terrible compaired to the 701s.
If you haven't had this kind of experience yet, once you do, you'll fully understand to answer to your question.
I used to ponder the same question.
It all boils down to what audio equipment you've heard, and your ability to accurately analyze what you're hearing.
This evelution can be a doubled edge sword.
For example, there have been many times when I felt my system sounded as good as it possibly could.
Then I acquire a new piece of equipment that ellevates things to a whole new level and I couldn't immagine listening ever again without that piece equipment.
It's very difficult to know what your missing and the weaknesses in your system until you hear something better.
Hence the double edge sword because this can get quite expensive.
Once you go down this road, having a fair amount of disposable income would problably help the situation.
It seams many audiophiles become bitter or go into denial, when they figure out just how much it usually takes to achieve the higher levels of audio playback available today.
Unfortunately, spending a tone of money doesn't alway get you there.
One recent example I experienced was with my headphones.
I had been using Sennheiser 650s which I thought sounded about as good as any headphone possibly could, and I really enjoyed listening to them.
Then along comes the new AKG 701s, which everyone is proclaiming as the new BEST headphone. So I get a pair and low and behold, they were right.
The 701s blow the 650s away in every catagory. After listening to the 701s I can't understand how I could have ever tolerated the 650s, they just sound terrible compaired to the 701s.
If you haven't had this kind of experience yet, once you do, you'll fully understand to answer to your question.