In pursuit of the golden ear.

Just how do you train yourself to attain that golden ear? How do you tell if the highs are extended, mids are warm, base with authority, musical, colorations, etc, etc? In order for you to make a judgment call, you must have a base to compare to. Logic tells me that best gauge to use is live music, vocals or instruments. But I believe that most of us are not train musicians nor do we have time to attend concert halls. Whatever bases we have comes typically from our audio equipment evolutio or from other folks' setup.

Please enlighten me on your golden ear secrets; I would like to move up from my copper ear to that elusive golden ear. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by jmcgrogan2

Well you have to take it in stages, you'll need to move up to silver ears first, then golden ears. :)

I don't look at it as golden ears so much as simply experience. There is no substitute for experience. Whether listening live, or to many different pieces of equipment. It just comes down to listening, pure and simple. Listen carefully, not critically, make sure you enjoy the music.
The real answer is just years of experience.
There are no secrets to replace 20-40 or more years of experience in this hobby. Sure, you could take a crash course and listen to 5 (or more) preamps (or whatever) a year for 10 years to hasten the learning curve.

In the end it simply boils down to experience, as this journey is a constant learning process. Those you refer to as 'golden ears', probably have just heard many more pieces of equipment than you have. So get out there and start experiencing it for yourself.

And remember, your own ears are your best resource. Not even the highest rated alledged 'golden ear' can tell you what sounds good to you. After much experience, you'll better understand your tastes and what you like. That's all that really matters, isn't it?
