In need of amp upgrade suggestions

Interested in upgrading from our Simaudio Moon W-5/P-5 amp/pre power plant of 9 yrs.  Have always enjoyed the authority of the W-5, and would like to find something that really excels in low amplitude transient clarity, frequency balance, and can throw an exceptional soundstage.  Digital source is pretty hi-rez (Esoteric K-03), and cabling is on par as well (all JPS Aluminata).  Speakers are strong in efficiency (Daedalus Athena) at around 95db.  Recently auditioned a pr of Pass xa60.8's, but frankly thought the W-5 did a better presentation, less soundstage (I know, sounds crazy, but that's the way I hear it).  Open to push/pull, SET, or ss, but I suspect ss.  Any suggestions?   


Showing 1 response by yage

Might want to look at BorderPatrol ( I heard them at Capital AudioFest 2013 and felt they were incredibly good. Gary Dews offers both singled-ended and push/pull designs from his shop in the Washington, DC metro area.