In defense of quantum products.

There are many audio products that have the word quantum in their name. The brand names Synergistic Research, Bybee and Kemp and Audio Magic come to mind. There are others.

Frankly, some of the explanations for these products are difficult for me to understand. I understand the general theory of quantum physics but when it comes to the details I often find myself getting lost very quickly. Are the explanations offered up by makers of quantum products accurate or not? And does it really matter? Is audio about understanding what manufacturers say or about enjoying the music?

Personally, I am only concerned whether the product works in my system. If the explanation is satisfactory but it does not deliver I could not care less about the theories offered in their defense. Happily, I have been lucky with products from Synergistic Research, Bybee and Audio Magic. I have not used any Kemp products yet.

What have your experiences been with quantum products?

Showing 2 responses by onhwy61

The OP says he's been lucky, not methodical or rational, but just lucky. It can happen and his experience shouldn't be discounted. But he should also realize that many audiophiles aren't willing to roll the dice on some groundbreaking alt-physics.
What's so hard to figure out? A frequent and I believe respected contributor to this forum has made a factual statement about a product and described his dealings with the manufacturer. It's pretty straightforward.