Improvement in Musicality for home theater system

As a first time poster I was hoping to get some feedback on improving the musical delivery, basically more refined sound from my hodgepodge of an old and new system. I have a smaller 16 by 12 room with heavy leather furniture and wood/ area rug, 1904 vintage. Due to the space and budget limitations, I purchased the Revel M126Be’s and had to ditch my 25 year old Proceed AVP for an Antham AVM 70 and had Audio Breakthroughs in Manhassett, NY come out and set it up. They hooked in a 20 year old Velodyne servo driven sub woofer. Now to my question: will replacing a 20 year old plus Adcom 5 channel amp with an Antham or Pass labs be a significant change? For source I mainly use a Blue Sound streamer. 


Showing 3 responses by ghdprentice

That is a hard one. The problem is surround processors are dense digital electronics in a tiny box. Not a place to create a musical signal. Most musical systems are simple two channel tube based systems (or very carefully chosen solid state). The easiest way to do it would be to use good tube preamp and bypass the processor for music. I would think that another possibility would be a very high end (like $20K… really expensive) surround processor and warm musical amp. I have not been in the market for a while, so I can’t point to a solution. But obviously this wouldn’t be much help anyway.




Primarily it is rhythm and pace. The attribute that connects you emotionally to the music… typically it makes your foot tap… or get emotionally consumed by the music. 

it is really easy to get side tracked into hearing more details or more slam and bass, these can lead you away from really natural and musical sound. It took me nearly forty years to be able to immediately sense rhythm and pace. Tonal balance, detail etc are much easier to sense and in many ways much less important.



Typically, one’s foot is a good measure of the musical connection. This is an effect that I noticed in myself and have observed and discussed with many others over many years. Not everyone will necessary be moved the same way. Certainly it depends on the source music as well.… if the music is not compelling it’s reproduction is not. This is my generalization.

Also, some audio folks actually are not in it for the emotional connection / the music itself. I have known a bunch of folks over the years that are in it to experience analytical listening… to marvel at the details and sound space… they are not actually moved by music.

Here is more details on Rhythm, Pace, and Timing: