Importance of streamer in audio chain

I have a wiim pro with a Deshelli dac 4399 chip and sparks op amps. Would I notice a difference by upgrading my streamer? My other equipment is a Rogue cm2 and Falcon Q7 speakers. 


I used a Wiim Pro when in limbo looking for the best streamer, it’s great for the money but  up grading you will notice a big difference if the rest of your system is up to the task…

I wasn't able to hear any difference between an expensive (for me) streamer going through an expensive DAC and my computer going through my relatively inexpensive DAC. I was able to quickly switch between them (they were each set up on a different input) and played the same songs over and over again and there was no appreciable difference. I sold the streamer and expensive DAC and I am very happy with my computer and DAC. I have a decent integrated tube amp (Don Sach's Valhalla) and decent speakers (Spatial Audio Lab X5s) so I would have been able to hear any significant difference. 

Whatever you do IMHE,  buy a streamer that is commensurate with ur dac.  I have the Aqua LaScala .  Started with the blue sound  ii, Eversolo, then Lumin mini, and settled on the Lumin 2 in each upgrade there was an audible improvement.  The Lumin 2 was a major step up.  Don't think I need to go any further.   Good luck and enjoy the journey 


as a side note I tried the Lumin mini on my friends system that had the blue sound mode ii with a $700 dac  and even though the this streamer costs 3-4 times the blue sound there was no significant difference.  Where in my system the Mini blew away the Eversolo 

I have two digital sources. One is the HifiRose RS150b all-in-one streamer/dac (and preamp if you choose). The other is an Auralic Aries G1.1 streamer feeding a Geshelli Labs Dayzee Dac. The Rose is an excellent machine. It sounds really nice. However, when I run its digital output via SPdif into the Dayzee the sound improves slightly, but you may not notice it at first. It’s simply a bit clearer through the Dayzee, with equally good tonality. This improves a little more with the Auralic/Dayzee combination via USB from the Auralic. We are not talking about night and day differences, rather small but significant improvements, at least to my 71 year old ears. Honestly, I could live with the Rose alone, the Rose/Dayzee, or the Auralic/Dayzee combination. They are all quite good. The Geshelli Labs Dayzee dac is really special and I plan to keep it a good long while. I added the Sparkos opamps to mine which probably took it up a notch from the stock model in the clarity department. If it’s not obvious, I’m really enjoying digital these days. I have to go back to my early years in high end audio when I had a Music Reference RM-4 head amp feeding the phono section of my preamp, so I could run a Talisman moving coil cartridge mounted on an Sumiko MMT tonearm, the latter mounted on a Thorens TD 160 Super turntable, to achieve something close to how digital sounds now. I still have a modest Mofi Studiodeck turntable and MM cartridge and a Schiit Mani II phono preamp, all of which sounds pretty good, but my streamer/dac sources sound better. Your mileage may vary. Just remember to enjoy the music!