Impedance Matching - Tube Amp/Speakers

Hi, I am not technical guy, so excuse my questions. This weekend my friend did check bias on my VTL ST-85, which I recently did buy, and he also measured my speakers Dunlavy SM-1. Multimeter showed him that they are 4 ohm spekares (althought, on paper, they should be 6 ohm). He told me that this is not good combination - 4 ohm speakers and tube amp. So, is it safe using VTL ST-85, or tube amps generally, with 4 ohms or 6 ohms speakers? I am really confused because I like sound, but also dont want damage my amp or speakers.
FWIW, in my conversations with the late great John Dunlavy, he had a strong preference for ss, and especially Class D amplification.
SS has better bass control, speed and transients, but I expected that. Maybe better preamp could cover this area.
While I am a big proponent of building a system around a great pre-amp, IMO, you are not going to get significant improvements in the areas you mentioned unless you change amplification. V. good tube amps can provide all of those elements, w/o sacrificing the good things that tubes do. This is all theoretical. I've never heard your amp and the speakers only once. YMMV.
Is there someone who has experiences with some Dunlavy speakers and tube amps? I did buy ST-85 with EL34 tubes Electron (made in China), I dont know if they are good ones or not, so maybe some tube rolling could improve dynamics and bass, if preamp not. I also read that valve amps with EL34's will always struggle with bass.
If the load is right, bass will not be a problem- that has nothing to do with the amp using EL-34s!
You’re safe…

Back in the day, I had Duntech Marquis and had lots of fun using QuickSilver Silver 60’s (KT88’s) and the Silver 90’s but those were big 3 way, time aligned speakers that really needed solid state to sing. They sounded very good with tubes but they were unstoppable when bi-amped with 2 McIntosh 7270’s .

The bass coming out of the ST-85 should be very good, although EL34’s are considered leaner than some other tube types (i.e. 6550’s), however there is always a trade-off. I currently have a VTL IT-85 (same amp section as the ST-85 using EL34’s) driving Dynaudio Special 25’s ( 4ohm, 88db) and the bass is killer.

It could be the source and or wiring.