impedance matching--could you dumb it down 4 me?

with limited time to research the issue fully (as well as a very limited technical knowledge base to begin with), i'd appreciate it if some basic rules of thumb or forumlae could be explained regarding preamp-power amp matching. a few examples of my confusion: does the power amp input impedance always need to be higher than the output impedance of the preamp? or is there an inverse relationship (low ---> high, or high ---> low)? let the spoonfeeding begin. thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by arnettpartners

I've been learning--i hope--about impedence matching and have been studying Transformer Volume Controls. According to my source, a tvc's input impedence is dependent in part on its load. Does anyone know if this is true for other gain stages (TVC's can be made to have gain) ie preamps and amps? That is, does a preamp's input impedence depend partly on the amp's input impedence? Likewise does an amp's impedence depend on the efficiency of the speakers it is driving? or are these measurements static within frequency? Lynne