Impedance loading low-output MC cartridges...


Does anyone know if there is a general "rule of thumb" regarding impedance loading of low-output MC cartridges? Most manufacturers do provide some guidlines as to a range of impedance settings that will work well with a particular cartidge, and I have fiddled around with this a bit.

Since it takes at least a few minutes to power down my system, reconfigure some DIP switches in my phono preamplifier, and then power up the system, it is not easy to do a reasonable A/B comparison.

My setup is Basis 1400 / Basis RB300 / Benz Micro ACE (low-output version) / MS Phonomena.

Please fill in the blanks. As impedance increases the sound should _______, and as the impedance decreases the sound should _______.

Showing 1 response by daveyf

Played around with my Benz Ruby 11 extensively, This cartidge seems to like 700 ohms. At 47K it looses a little bit of dimensionality and top end extension. Also ,the sound stage is a little less wide.
So with a great resistor like Vishays, 700k is the way to go with this cartridge. Unfortunately, I have found that every cartidge is diff in regards to the loading question. But once you get it there you know it. Just trial and error seems to be no set rule.