Impact of the Apollo Masters fire on vinyl production

With lacquer production reduced by as much as 75% in the wake of the Apollo Masters fire, and shortages expected as early as next year, what impact do you think this will have on the until-now resurgent vinyl industry? Will it hurt business? Will it affect how you collect vinyl?

I dread the thought of this. I’m new to vinyl with a brand new, very high-end rig. I chose to go the analog route first and then add digital to my system in a few years. One of my many deciding factors was that I would be mandated to grow a vinyl collection quickly. There’s no doubt this will spell dread for the vinyl boom unless Apollo Masters has the resources to rebuild quickly. I don’t know if they do. I might add that I’m deeply saddened for each and every one of those who will loose their jobs, homes, and any sort of business due to all of the current fires raging through California—which happens to be my permanent home (Minneapolis is temporarily my home). But if COVID wasn’t enough for the music industry, these fires will certainly effect more than just the vinyl production. I apologize for my need to add this, but to make things even worse than they already are, Trump’s despise for this amazing state will make federal help difficult and thin—especially for anything related to the music and entertainment industry. His divisive nature is ONLY concerned for those who’ll vote for him come November. I have zero doubt he’ll politicize these fires one way or another.
I have not seen any impact fact record breaking sales been reported for the 4th quarter 2020.