Imaging and soundstage

Is the seating distance from wall behind the listener a factor with imaging and soundstageing?
Read this ... it describes how the brain processes reflected sounds, and how the imaging of speakers depends on the delay of the reflected signal path (relative to the direct path) being outside a range.

With this in mind it should be OK to have the rear wall immediately behind you (i.e. right next to your head), or several feet behind you.

My personal experience is that several feet behind is better, not because of time delays and the like, but just because sitting close to the rear wall reinforces the bass too much, making the music sound congested.
My minimal experience echoes (Ha!) Rives suggestion. Interesting, with out any previous knowledge of Stehno's recommendation, I found my speakers to be with in 3" of his guidelines at the longest length and dead on with regard to the two others.
stehno,,, my woofer is about 8" from the floor to center of the driver.. in order for this equation to work i would have to pull it very far from the back wall and move it close to the side wall.. while i have not given this a try,it is not very practical for my room... any suggestions,,, thanks steve.
Sorry, Fluffy. I'm just the messenger. But since the Allison rule supposedly emphasizes the greatest difference between all distances, I'd think you're already off to a good start.

I'd recommend trying it.