iMac no longer reading/playing CDs

Have any other Mac owners experienced this? Is is repairable? At this point I cannot even run a CD cleaner disc through the iMac.

Showing 2 responses by mingles

I want to emphasize Sfar's recommendation for backup. If you don't have a system in place, you need one. It's a fact that hard drives eventually die. OS X's built in Time Machine is an excellent choice. You'll need an external drive to make it work. Here's a link to the set up instructions: Mac Basics: Time Machine. By default, TM backs up every hour whether anything changes or not. This is totally unnecessary for a music server and it taxes the system. Unfortunately, Apple doesn't offer an easy way to change that frequency, but there is a nice piece of free software that allows you to make changes: TimeMachineEditor. Note: it only works with OS X 10.7 and 10.8.