ikeda mc-transformer

Hello everybody,
Anybody out there who does have some experience with the Ikeda st-100 type 20 mc-transformer. What about it i am planning to use it with an Ortofon spu-gold cartridge. Thanks a lot in advance, Eduard
To vinyldoes. Dear friend: We are talking of two different issues. You are talking about: that you likes more the colored sound of a step up transformer ( noise, distortion, phase shift, contamination, additional conecctors/cables, etc ) and if this is the way in what your " open ears " likes this is up to you.
I'm talking about the best quality sound reproduction of the music. Any additional stage in the signal chain reproduction ( it does not matter the quality of that stage ) degraded the quality reproduction of this signal. Period.
By the way, my " closed ears " has an experience of more than 40 years with live music.
Excuse me Raul, but any system requires a certain amount of gain between cartridge and power amp, or between cartridge and line stage if you have one. The question is how is that gain best achieved? If you don't have a transformer you must have additional voltage gain. Extra components, longer signal path, more wiring, etc. You are spouting the 'simplicity' dogma without considering that your supposedly simpler solution suffers from the same problems in different guises.

There are indeed some very fine, indeed world class, high gain phono stages out there. Aesthetix, Boulder, Manley, etc. Unfortunately implementing them at a high level is difficult. Not many of us can afford to play at that level. If you can, with your 18 tonearm, good for you. Enjoy!

Fortunately there are also some very fine, world class stepups out there. Combining one of those with a top quality MM phono stage (which is MUCH easier to build than an equally quiet and linear high gain stage) is a more than viable option. In the large majority of cases it may even be the superior choice.

The best MC cartridges are very bad at putting out high voltage. Just look at their specs. To hook one up to a voltage-driven gain stage is like asking a car to fly. You may be able to do it, but it will cost you a lot of green. But an MC cartridge is very good at generating current. Voila! Why not load the cartridge to optimize what it's natively good at, then transform the excess current to the voltage we need? Properly implemented this maximizes the performance of the cartridge. Even if there are tradeoffs, the benefits can balance the potential detriments. There are no one-way streets in audio, and pure voltage gain is no exception.
I know about Mr Ikeda. In the past he did use Emt turntable, arm and cartridge with a Peerless transformerand a Marantz pre-amp. I think there are several solutions that can do the job. You will need gain and usually a transformer with preamp will give less noise then a tube-preamp that can do it on its own. In the past i did use a Hiraga pre pre with battery power supply with would give 24 millivolts at the entry of my Anzai Riaa stage which would drive my poweramp directly. So not so many active elements that could degrade the signal, Eduard.
"Any additional stage in the signal chain reproduction ( it does not matter the quality of that stage ) degraded the quality reproduction of this signal. Period."

You said it. My point exactly. If you don't use a transformer then you must employ either a tube or a transistor. Neither device is linear. Each will add noise and distortion. To say all transformers are bad and all active gain stages more desirable is crap. It all comes down to good engineering and design. Each method has its virtues and drawbacks. BTW, my phono preamp has one of those 'nasty' tranformers at the input AND at the output.
Dear Dougdeacon: I agree with you: there-are-no one way streets on audio and that a high gain phono stage has its own problems.
The issue here is ( for me ): wich way do less harm to the signal reproduction. If you have a preamp with a high gain built in phono stage that has a good design an a good execution of that design ( You named: Boulder. Yes, a very high price. ) this preamp do less harm that a preamp with a stepup transformer.
Now, the only way to hear an understand these issues is trying it. I already try, for several years, with step up transformers, head amps and outboard phono stages and I could find that the best quality audio reproduction from a low output moving coil is a preamp with a built in high gain phono stage.
This is my experience and that is what I want to shear with you all music lover people, no more than that.
Best regards.