Ikeda IT-407 tonearm geometry

I’ve read all there is to read on this subject and never got satisfaction. It inspired me to ask this question earlier.
“Cartridge alignment with non slotted headshells”. 
The main reason I have a problem with these headshells is with my Ikeda it407 (chrome) tonearm, the cartridge must be twisted quite a bit in towards centre.  I have a vintage audio technica headshell with fixed holes and I don't even need a protractor to see that it won’t work. I don’t think stevenson alignment is this bad? I don't have a protractor with stevenson. My pivot to spindle distance is set perfect using my smartractor. I’m quite sure it is not possible to use an spu headshell in my Ikeda with the tonearm at the recommended distance without being seriously out of alignment. I’ve researched this online and I’ve spoken to Bill Demars at Beauty of Sound.  He said that the recommended pivot to spindle distance is probably wrong and some people position at a further distance. He agreed about spu in spu headshell in the ikeda arm not being ideal. I’ve never heard if anyone has asked Ikeda these questions about their arm. 

I do really like this arm, the way it sounds and the fact that is has a removable headshell, 
I’d just like to have better understanding of it? 


Showing 8 responses by sdrsdrsdr


What pivot to spindle distance do you use for your it407? And it the cartridge rotated substantially inwards or straight in the headshell?

if this graph is correct, wouldn’t it give you the most distortion when your playing your small  45’s except for the very end of the song? 


Before you recommend something you should check out the two protractors that I use. The Dr Feichert is known to be very good. The two that I mentioned are just better as I stated they have the mirrored hologram. I find this is the only way you can look at zenith and know that your looking at it at the right angle. Much more accurate. 

Yes. It got a little off track. I’ll have to get a protractor for Stevenson and give it a try. You said your short  ikeda lined up properly without having to twist The cartridge in the headshell. Using Lofgren I have to twist my cartridge quite a lot in my long ikeda.  So much so, that I’d be surprised that Stevenson would be much different. But I haven’t tried yet so I can’t say for sure.

As I said in my opening question, I did speak with the USA distributor and never got clear answers either. He did say that many people preferred a longer p2s. And he uses a longer measurement than recommended too. Then Raul gave his recommendations for it407 and his p2s was shorter than recommended. I was just hoping for a more general consensus. I will get a Stevenson protractor and hopefully have a better understanding.


I’ll have a look closer at what you said later tonight. At the moment I still don’t quite understand. I appreciate all the input though. I’m really enjoying learning more about vinyl playback. I’ve always been into vinyl except for a while in the 90’s. Before the last couple of years, I only had a single table set up, usually without changes for years at a time. The last couple years I’ve gotten into multiple tables, arms and cartridges and having more fun than ever.