If your whole system costs $40,000....

how much will you invest in CD player with that sum?

I have been wondering my CD section is the weakest link, its around 10% of my system cost. I wonder people who are using some $10k players how much their whole system costs roughly...... Anyone can share their experience in upgrading their CD players?

Showing 1 response by levy03

as a starting point to begin the search/comparison of components, i'd be it the 10-15% ballpark on 40k. 15% would be for a digital front end (dac/transport/pc audio set-up), not just a cdp. if i had to get a cdp only, i'd be closer to the 10% mark.

could be subject to change if i fell in love with something but it would get the ball rolling.

final answer...4-6k

what do i win??