If you were serious about sound you would...

If your audiophile quest is to get the best sound then buy the best equipment used to make the recordings originally. One of the few things nearly every audiophile agrees about is that you can't make the signal better than the original. So:

Solid State Logic 2 channels preamp 5k$
Meyer Sound Bluehorn powered speakers 2x 140K$
Pro Tools MTRX system 10k$
Mac Studio Computer 8k$
Total about 170k$ 
How is it possible to get better sound than the best recording studio gear? 



Showing 4 responses by mbmi

I also use that method . I've been Armour- Alling all my 500 cd collection since 1989 and only enhanced the sound , never did one penny of damage...if "damaging"  Enhances soundstage...nullifies sibilance,  tightens base, brings out fine details, and just Improves the sound of my system.....Then that so called "damage" is welcome......And you're smart enough to know Why the talking heads poo- poo ed this idea......

Bottom Line....It's better to get 100% of the information than 90% of the information....It's a cheap way to preserve your discs and get ALL the info that you were meant to hear...Works great on dvd's too.   Enjoy!

Take ANY cd....play track #1.....Take cd out and spray with Armour-All.....wipe clean and Play track #1 again......It will sound like you did a Major upgrade to your system...it's like Magic....try it!

OK....Time for some schooling : A cd has information on the disc that is READ by the laser and then it is fed back into the Receiver in the cd player that takes that information and turns it into music...THE PROBLEM with cd’s is that they are mass produced and under a microscope their surface is extremely PITTED....Still with me?.......The Armour- All fills in the crevices and pits and make a smooth shinny surface so when the info on the disc (Music) comes back up to the READER , It’s NOT diffused and scattered ....You’re only getting 85-90% of the info back to the reader......Fill in the PITS and the laser is clean and direct and receive 97-100% of the information (Music) that’s on the disc.....Just try it and you’ll agree......It’s a beautiful scientific and Musical thing and Armour-All will PRESERVE , not destroy you’re discs. It’s not a widely published Fact because there’s NO $$$ in it for the reviewers or companies.....Don’t knock something that works until you’ve tried it !!!!!!!!!!!