If you want the utmost clarity from your CDs

This product has been around for a long time. 
Someone mentioned it recently in passing in a post, so I thought I’d give it a try.
For $35, it’s made an amazing difference. 
It’s Herbie’s Super Black Hole CD Mat.
Considering How much I’ve spent changing components in order to achieve better SQ, this cheap little device is ridiculous!  
The difference in clarity is palpable.  
If you haven’t tried it you owe it to yourself.


Well there appears to be no shortage of customers posting positive experiences of the mat, 4.8 stars out of 5 , as proponents of a certain brand of aftermarket fuse use as a mantra “ it comes with a returns policy “ so no worries


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I purchased one last year knowing it could fall in the snake-oil category.

When I do A/B comparisons I have a young non-audiophile friend listen as well.

I silently arrive at my opinion first before asking what he thinks. We both agreed that this device added a bit of clarity to my classic Sony CD player used as a transport.


I bought this disc several years ago. It does work but not on all CDs it seems. I did a blind test with my son-in-law with a certain Red Hot Chili Peppers cd and he, and I, could hear a difference in tightness of bass and clarity of sound-stage.

Not all music styles seem to benefit from the disc, at least not audibly. I think how revealing the equipment is also determines how well this disc works. I think it offers good value for a small incremental improvement.

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