If you had access to a time machine, what concerts would you go back to see?

2020 was the first year of my adult life that I did not attend any concerts. I'm sure that I'm not alone in this unfortunate situation. So, this got me thinking about both the concerts that I "missed" (could've gone, but something went wrong) or concerts I "wished I'd had the chance to see."

Plus, I thought this would be a good bookend to the ongoing (and excellent) thread about "the worst concert you ever saw."


Showing 1 response by rettrussell

Obviously I would see the classical creators/masters...Bach especially....too many to do justice by mentioning.
Miles Davis in the 50's; Charlie Parker and the great bands he was in; Jimmy Reed for sentimental reasons; Jimi Hendrix; Cream in 1968; The Doors just because; peak Creedence.

I saw Pink Floyd DSOTM in Jacksonville, FL about 2 months after the album dropped....they all appeared/performed the whole thing, in Quad...Clare Torry's wordless vocals were mesmerizing. Then, a greatest hits playlist that left not one thing to be desired (save Sid).

For $7.50 I saw the '72 Stones Exile tour in Tuscaloosa, AL starting with Martha Reeves & the Vandellas, then Stevie Wonder (about 6 months prior to Talking Book); then the Stones, with their entireĀ  studio band featuring M. Taylor's impeccable guitar....a R&R high unlike any other before or since. The Stones were like experiencing a black hole and a super nova simultaneously! Thoughts: if the Stones had cancelled after Stevie Wonder's set I wouldn't have cared (at that point) because being in SW's presence was enough....greatness was writ large on him; when I was able to peel my eyes off Mick for a moment I saw Bianca behind the stage in her signature white dress/floppy hat; Keith drove/guided the band...Mick Taylor supplied the flaming icing on the cake.

There were other great ones.....but there's my top two.