If You Could Only Keep 3-CD's LP's , Which Ones?

Gun to your head,....they're taking your entire system and all LP's and CD's...but through mercy will let you keep your 3 favorite CD's or LP's. Which ones do you keep?

Showing 1 response by shubertmaniac

Very Easy:

1. Emerson String Quartet, Schubert's 13th/14th String Quartets (Disc 1 of a 3 disc set)

2. Raphael String Ensemble, Brahm's String Sextets

3. Kim Kaskashian, Brahm's late Viola sonatas

This last one is a keeper and a sleeper. For those who do not know Kim's work, one of the most romantic styled viola players I have ever heard. Superb tone and inflection, strong without being overpowering. Emotive without being weepy.