If there’s an audiophile exit ramp, this ain’t it…

Audiogon and the audio press, I mean. I finally have the system I was aiming for and had imagined for my future, as conjured from the cryptic pages of stereophile etc. — incredible transparency, scale, and ‘realness’ — but whenever I’m drawn to these sites/pages, as I have been for two years, I am confronted again with doubt and a vague longing for ‘perfection’ in a new purchase. I just want to enjoy the music.

Im ready for the audiophile exit ramp, and this ain’t it…

Showing 1 response by mahler123

I tend to hit a spot with all of my hobbies where I think I won’t spend another cent, because I am in a good place with all of them but my reading or Forum discussions stimulate the desire to purchase.  For example, I listen to Classical Music and read magazines that review recordings.  Every time I tell myself that I don’t need a new cycle of Beethoven recordings, about 3 months later I break down.  Streaming has helped curb the impulse purchases but since it exposes me to more music I haven’t really saved any money.  Any way, why should Audio be different?