If Steely Dan had a different vocalist

they'd be Monkey House.

I cannot believe I'd not heard of this band until discovering them just today.

If you like Dan (and who doesn't, really!) and haven't heard of MH, check them out.


Showing 3 responses by soix

Just thought I’d share this song I recently found (although it’s almost 30 years old!!!) by Sonia Dada called “Lester’s Methadone Clinic” cause it’s a pretty cool song that to me has that elusive SD vibe/feel/groove and even some Dan-like lyrics.  Sounds better on Qobuz, but this gives you the idea anyway…



It’s funny to hear Steely Dan and avant-garde in the same sentence.

@baylinor @mgw  Why is that funny? Using the definition as “new, unusual, or experimental ideas” then I don’t see why they wouldn’t be considered avant-garde. Look at pretty much any chart of their songs (my band played a couple and they ain’t easy relatively speaking) and you quickly appreciate how complex, intricate, and unique their compositions are, and then combine that with them bringing in different musicians for specific parts/styles and I’d call that pretty avant-garde. When a player like Mark Knopfler is basically reduced to tears during an audition and then replaced that’s a pretty clear sign they do things differently. There’s a reason SD stands out over time as a very unique and highly respected entity not unlike Pink Floyd, The Doors, etc. and it’s not because they were common, derivative, or unoriginal. In fact I’d argue SD could be considered a poster child for the term avant-garde. Anyone who tries to lump them in with other run-of-the-mill “pop” bands has absolutely no idea what they’re talking about musically IMHO, and any major dude will tell you that only a fool would say that. 😉 😝. Sorry, couldn’t resist.

You ain’t kidding.  There’s more than a little later SD and solo Fagan in there in their use of backing vocals, chord progressions, rhythms/phrasing, keys, etc.  They even use some SD alum along the way.  I hadn’t heard of them either, and thanks for the tip!