If NOS pre or power tubes became unavailable altogether, what new tubes would you buy?

Hey tuberollers, 

I'm curious to see what happens if there's a gun to your head, or more practically all NOS tubes disappear (dread).  What would you do with your line/pre stage and/or power stage?  

I have tried 5 different NOS 12AU7s and only 1 new 12AU7 in my preamp section (Cifte, RCA black plates (late 50s), Sylvanias, Baldwin organ tubes, Amperex 70s orange globes, and new Chinese stock Primaluna tubes).  In my power section, I have not tried any NOS tubes and 3 types of tubes (stock Chinese Primaluna EL34s, reissue Mullard EL34s, and reissue Gold Lion KT88s).  

Side note: I haven't ventured into NOS power tubes because of the cost and availability/scarcity.  I need 8 of them!

Without having tried anything else, I would be lost on new or reissue 12AU7s.  On the power tube side, I'd be just fine with either the reissue Mullard EL34s or the Gold Lion KT88s.  

Showing 2 responses by cleeds

That¿’s the only fun tubes can gives to audiophiles: rolling tubes.
I don’t think playing with tubes is sun at all. It’s just goes with the territory.

That totally anacronic technology can’t really honor MUSIC in anyway.
Sez you. Are you aware that some of the most extraordinary recordings ever released were made with all-tube electronics? By the way, Raul, use of ALL CAPS is considered shouting.
Tubes are just with out any single way to deffend it other that what you are accustom to that is wrong and it does not matters that you like it because as I posted: what we ike does not matters, what matters is HOW THINGS MUST BE.
It clearly drives you crazy Raul that the way you insist things "MUST BE" just isn't.

Sorry, but everyone here should be entitled to their preference without you telling them that what they think does not matter. Geez.