If money were no object, what would be in your rig

Many of us have admired great systems on Audiogon like Albert Porters and some of us prefer a more simpler system. If you could change any component(s) what would it be and why? Or are you satisfied with what you have?

Showing 2 responses by schipo

A record collection the size of the one in the Library of Congress with a room to fit it all in....I have no problem living with my megger system knowing I have all this vinyl to play.
I Thank you for being concerned with my health.But I do eat allot of brown rice and I don't stay up late. I don't drink alcohol or run around with wild woman. I believe in clean living.Then again I wouldn't call it living LOL. No kidding I plan on cryogenically freezing myself like them high end audio cables.Then maybe on a day being brought back to continue with the vinyl collection.I can do an Eric Cartman on southpark and practice in the refrigerator.