If Money Were No Object... A Fantasy Question

Let's say you're filthy stinking rich and had $1,000,000+ to spend on an audio system. What would you do, assemble a single SOTA system or for the same amount of money put together multiple very high quality (and certainly not cheap) non-SOTA systems.

This fantasy is in the either/or format. Points will be deducted for thoses who answer "both".
just as there are houses in town with 10 or 20 bedrooms, marble foyers, crystal chandeliers, and so on, etc., i already have a 14 x 20 living room, with a nice assemblige of components and cd's and records that i have enjoyed collecting over a period of 40 yrs or more. how could i have it any other way?- my stereo and my music is a reflection of my tastes as much as it is my past or present budget. for example , i have eggleston andra-2 speakers. i was considering selling them awhile ago to get "the absolute sota in their size catagory", but i upgraded my cables (transparent) instead, and now the egg's sound like a whole new set of speakers. is there something way better out there, putting aside the issue of more spl's? IMHO, it would be really difficult without getting into something MUCH LARGER IN SIZE, which is NOT what i want or need. sooo, the TWO things i dream about now are- 1.a reel to reel tape recorder with high-end electronics that is not a 400lb. console- something that was never made (so i continue to enjoy my teac x-2000r to copy vinyl or cds, which it does remarkably well anyway). 2.my other dream is finding lots of neighbors and friends that enjoy (classical and jazz) music as much as i do, and come over here on a regular basis, and freqently invite me over to their houses as well (where i get to hear their version of audio nirvana). until that blessed day comes, i like to read the audiogon forums and send in a comment now and then.
as for the million dollars- a lot of that would go towards a cleaner and healthier environment...
Lenco turntable with Shure M-44E, Fisher 500C receiver, Electrovice SP-12 full range in EV Aristocrat corner enclosures. COST $500. I would spend the balance of $999,500 on 999,500 LP records ($1 each).
Dear people,
The email address tvolkert@freeler.nl be changed into f2htvolkert063@hetnet.nl
If money is NOT an impediment, then once in a while just hire a nice jazz combo to do some live music for you and some friends. Could it get any better than that?
Have to laugh at the premise; most "filthy sinking rich" people do not get filthy stinking rich by wasting prodigious amounts of money on depreciating items like stereos. If money were no object, I likely would spend not much more than I do now on audio equipment. There are many more advantageous pursuits in life, such as travelling, which are more rewarding than planting one's butt in front of speakers.

Most net worth millionaires got to be that way by conservative lifestyles, not extravagance. I recall reading in The Millionaire Next Door that a sumptuous spread was put out for net worth millionaires as they were going to be interviewed - caviar, champaign, etc. They didn't touch it. When asked why, they said, "I don't eat that stuff at home, why should I eat it now?"

Which would you rather be, a poor sap with major credit card debt and home equity debt, or the fiscally secure investor/conservative person who has a pissy rig? By the way, the poor sap with financial issues is more likely to have relational issues as well...

Glam systems (as well as other material indulgences) can come at a horribly high price.

Don't get me wrong. I love audio and the equipment, but I find daydreaming about wasting money I do not have while paying a mortgage, saving for a (quite probably phantom) retirement, and putting kids through school to be of little benefit.

I never was good at daydreaming. Seemed a huge waste of time. I'd much rather stay focused on attainable goals and see what comes of it. That's when opportunities happen.