If I could afford, I’d purchase 100% Oswald Mills Audio gear

This even without hearing it. The pieces are so beautiful I don’t see how they could not sound fabulous. The Sp10s look like they are built like a tank. I’d even buy their equipment racks. Maybe someday or maybe I’ll purchase something from their sister company Fleetwood sound. 
Please don't compare HiFi's with automobiles. They are vastly different.
HiFi's are not to look at, they are for listening. 

OMA is all about marketing. @chakster, I am really surprised that you are so enthralled by OMA's marketing BS. You are smarter than that.

Please do not judge HiFi gear by it's appearance. It should only be well made of durable materials and perform at a level consistent with it's price.
Nothing OMA makes performs at a level consistent with it's price. But I suppose that opinion would vary based on your ability to be able to afford it and I could not. I can only say that it is highly unlikely I would buy any of their equipment even if I could afford it as it does not meet my personal criteria. But, that is personal and other's will feel differently.
HiFi's are not to look at, they are for listening. OMA is all about marketing. @chakster, I am really surprised that you are so enthralled by OMA's marketing BS ...Please do not judge HiFi gear by it's appearance ...Nothing OMA makes performs at a level consistent with it's price. 
That's an interesting claim. Please tell us about the OMA components you've auditioned that led you to this rather absolute determination. Given that you insist that hi-fi gear should not be judged by appearance, you surely have heard this gear, right?
I second that point and question about what mijostyn has demoed. People love to give OMA a hard time because it is expensive. Having heard mostly all of it, I can tell you that for me, it is worth the asking price. 
In general, those who could care less about the visual aesthetics of an item in their home typically don’t need to announce it for it to be apparent. All things being equal, I personally opt for the more attractive (to my taste) item.
OMA is all about marketing. @chakster, I am really surprised that you are so enthralled by OMA’s marketing BS. You are smarter than that.


The whole High-End industry today is about marketing, but OMA can do it better than others, because 99,9% of modern High-End turntables look like this and it’s awful design! I think I will pay extra to get rid of stuff like this even if someone will bring it for free to my room. This is modern High-End reality, not OMA.

The OMA is almost completely different from any high-end store and I respect that. If they can sell their stuff for insane prices it’s fine, who cares?

I mean look at my virtual system (2017-2019), I’m definitely not an OMA gear buyer, but I like a mix of modern and vintage high-end. Long time ago I noticed their love for Technics SP-10 mkII which I owned for a long time. I realized that Jonathan is a collector of vintage audio gear, can't find his oldest video, but this is a new one about it.

I bought some nice stuff from OMA, Jonathan was a good seller, he personally replied to my emails, answered all my question, it was long time ago, but everything was nice and smooth, I bought a tonearm and MC cartridge from an OMA shop and received it my mail (overseas).

Selection of cartridges at their shop was nice (Miyajima, Ortofon SPU, SoundSmith...), selection of tonearms was nice too (Schick, Schroeder ... ), I remember those German Silvercore SUTs and some other stuff.

Instead of selling regular high-end BS they have been selling carefully selected stuff only. I really like this concept. I left no more than $3k at the OMA online shop and I was happy, later I sold everything after upgrading and did not lose any penny. Will I buy from OMA again? Probably not, I have my sources now, but I respect what they are doing.