if I buy an ultrasonic cleaner for my records will I be able to hear the difference?

I have a lot of records and have cleaned some of them with a VPI vacuum machine. My system is quite nice  but not ultra high end ( turntable about $2K and the rest to match) .Will I be able to hear the difference , with my system or is it just for those who can afford the very best?

Showing 1 response by lwal22

+1 pbnaudio
i have the same set up. It’s made 40 year old lps, that I took great care of from day one, come to life. Who knew what micro dirt could take out of the music?
flea market records can still disappoint, but not nearly as often. Makes taking a chance on a $5 copy of Europe ‘72 a good gamble. 
Takes a bit of work to do it right but you only need to do it to disk once. And a good anti-static brush is all you’ll need.  
You’ll find an excellent formula for the bath here on Audiogon, Audiokarma or several other sources. It takes a bit more than just distilled water to get it right. Go for it.