If cables can break-in, can they then wear-out?

The phenomenon of cable break-in (is it really dielectric break-in?) must be physical to the cable/dielectric/insulator/termination, therefore will extended use wear out the cable?
I do not mean metal wear from plugging in and removing, either. I am assuming permanent installation.

In my opinion it's as much our ears getting acquainted as it is break-in.

Showing 1 response by rcrerar

As far as the ears getting acquainted as opposed to cables breaking in , I would have to disagree from personal experience. I have had the opportunity to compare a couple of different interconnect and speaker cables from different manufacturers both new and fully broken in. These were pairs of identical cables, except one was new and one was broken in. Every time there was an easily discernible difference in the sound of a new cable and one that was broken in. The differences were not subtle. I'm not claiming an improvement in sound, or no improvement in sound for that matter, just that there was a easily heard difference.