If bi-amping is so great, why do some high end speakers not support it?

I’m sure a number of you have much more technical knowledge than I. so I’m wondering: a lot of people stress the value of bi-amping. My speakers (B&W CM9, and Monitor Audio PL100II) both offer the option. I use it on the Monitors, and I think it helps.

But I’ve noticed many speakers upward of $5k, and some more than $50k (e.g., some of Magico) aren’t set up for it.

Am I missing something? Or is this just one of the issues on which there are very different opinions with no way to settle the disagreement?

Thanks folks…


Showing 1 response by mgattmch

I tried bi-amping once; B&W N801 speakers and two Pioneer Elite M91 power amps (each 2x200W). Certainly made a difference in my case; detail was more pronounced, dynamics improved and overall just sounded better. Also, two beefy power amps, with glowing VU meters simply looks plain cool IMHO. Then I went to a single Krell KSA-250 power amp, wow, what a massive improvement that was. Quite simply the best amp I have ever owned, period.

My advice; worth a try, why not? After all, this hobby (some would say addiction) is all about experimenting and having fun.
