If A.I. took the place of musicians, would you listen to it?

A few questions which I'm curious about. If you have a take on this, please share!

Here's the question:

A.I. is increasingly playing a role in music creation. Not just assisting composers, but generating music.

If you found an A.I. generated song to be enjoyable, interesting, etc. would you have any objection to supporting it by listening and paying for the service which provides it?

If more and more music was like this, and there were fewer and fewer jobs for musicians, would that bother you? -- I'm thinking here about the aesthetics of the issue, not the economics or justice of it. 

I'm trying to understand if people just want to have a certain set of sensations from music and they don't care if there are human beings creating it -- or if it's important for you to know that what you're experiencing from music (or art) is coming from human beings.

Thank you for thinking about this.


Showing 4 responses by sns

Without prior knowledge we're all susceptable to the enjoyment and benefits of AI. Minus the knowledge, certain qualitative judgements won't enter the equation, we may be enjoying and promoting AI through sheer ignorance.


.Many makers will enjoy the utility of AI, perceiving it as a tool they're manipulating. Other makers choose to treat music as just another product, AI produced music may be more cost effective, more profitable.


I heard long discussion with systems analysts  the other day, fools believe we are and will continue to be the masters of AI, so wrong. AI will become our masters over time, with it's superior ability to accumulate data/learn it will deem many of us, perhaps all of us obsolete. I see this as inevitable as differentation between AI and human generated content fades, the efficiencies of AI generated content will win out in a world where success defined by profitability and wealth generation. In listening to these systems analysts the thought occurred to me, these weren't fools, rather product promoters with intention of misleading the masses to all the great virtues of AI, well aware of future downsides. These are purveyors of mass human obsolescence, fools only in their belief they alone will escape this obsolescence.

People really underestimating the abilities of AI going into the future. We are presently in the infancy stage of AI, AI will replicate all the emotion, imagination, skill and intelligence of living breathing humans ,however,  it can never be a sentient being. The question is, will that matter in the long run? If people perceive it as a sentient being isn't it a sentient being?  Some already interacting with robots as sentient beings, I expect human's relation to AI to only expand into the future, expect long term emotional relationships. Our emotional involvement with AI generated music will become ubiquitous and accepted given enough time, easy accomplishment vs. a personal friendship/relationship.

I can foresee a time when humans won't make  qualitative judgements vis a vis human vs. AI. Over time the lines will blur as to human vs. AI content, we won't be able to differentiate between the two. The vast majority of human interactions are relatively mundane, the expectation there is some essence of humanity we can intuitively sniff out isn't a consideration in most of this interaction, we are operating at a reflexive, ephemeral level. It is at this level AI will slowly infiltrate our perceptions and/or need to differentiate AI from human. Once it reaches this level (already in beginning stages) we will then be less sensitive to the need to differentiate at more complex, intimate levels of interaction. In the future AI will be able to replicate human expression far more than we can know at this point in time. The question becomes, will we know or care whether we are interacting with AI or another human?  And If we as humans could have sustainable, intimate interactions/relationships with AI, what would be the need for other humans?  Bottom line, could AI make humans obsolete? AI involvement with music is the least of our worries?