If A.I. took the place of musicians, would you listen to it?

A few questions which I'm curious about. If you have a take on this, please share!

Here's the question:

A.I. is increasingly playing a role in music creation. Not just assisting composers, but generating music.

If you found an A.I. generated song to be enjoyable, interesting, etc. would you have any objection to supporting it by listening and paying for the service which provides it?

If more and more music was like this, and there were fewer and fewer jobs for musicians, would that bother you? -- I'm thinking here about the aesthetics of the issue, not the economics or justice of it. 

I'm trying to understand if people just want to have a certain set of sensations from music and they don't care if there are human beings creating it -- or if it's important for you to know that what you're experiencing from music (or art) is coming from human beings.

Thank you for thinking about this.


Showing 4 responses by larsman

I'd be perfectly fine with it if I liked it. I don't care much how the sausage is made if it tastes good to me. And AI is still programs created by humans. 

@hilde45 - 'Sermons in church'? Don't get me started there.

Not everybody here has a wife and kids.  

And yes, that would go for painting, novels, and other arts. An AI-written novel would not stop humans from writing novels or other humans from reading them. Same goes for paintings. I see it as 'more', not 'instead of'. ... 

@jastralfu - you are right; getting paid as an artist is bad enough as it is, and you wouldn't want a Milli Vanilli situation where the artists do not perform on the record. But ultimately I do not see an artistic problem as long as the recording is not misidentified as something it's not. 

@baylinor - the referrals still seem to work, but the autofill doesn't and the text looks just like all the other text....