If A.I. took the place of musicians, would you listen to it?

A few questions which I'm curious about. If you have a take on this, please share!

Here's the question:

A.I. is increasingly playing a role in music creation. Not just assisting composers, but generating music.

If you found an A.I. generated song to be enjoyable, interesting, etc. would you have any objection to supporting it by listening and paying for the service which provides it?

If more and more music was like this, and there were fewer and fewer jobs for musicians, would that bother you? -- I'm thinking here about the aesthetics of the issue, not the economics or justice of it. 

I'm trying to understand if people just want to have a certain set of sensations from music and they don't care if there are human beings creating it -- or if it's important for you to know that what you're experiencing from music (or art) is coming from human beings.

Thank you for thinking about this.


Showing 3 responses by jastralfu

Likely not.  For whatever reason I want to hear music that a human being has created of their own imagination after working hard to master (at least to some degree) a musical instrument.  I find AI interesting and use it in my work but in terms of artistic creativity I prefer human endeavors.

@larsman AI might not stop humans from creating art but it might prevent them from getting paid.  This is a thing in the music industry where companies are using the music libraries they own to train AI to write, produce and record songs in the style of human artists.  Rick Beato has done a couple of videos on the subject.  Not that he is an expert on AI but he has an interesting take on it.

I’ve been thinking about this for a bit and it seems to me that my affinity is due to art, music, and literature being a form of human expression and connection.  It is a way for the artist to express sadness, joy, anger, empathy, passion, or whatever other human emotion that drives the creative process.  It is a form of human connection based on sharing the experience of the human condition.  I don’t know if will live long enough to see AI evolve to the point that it has “human” experiences but for now I don’t find that connection with it as opposed to art created by human minds.