If A.I. took the place of musicians, would you listen to it?

A few questions which I'm curious about. If you have a take on this, please share!

Here's the question:

A.I. is increasingly playing a role in music creation. Not just assisting composers, but generating music.

If you found an A.I. generated song to be enjoyable, interesting, etc. would you have any objection to supporting it by listening and paying for the service which provides it?

If more and more music was like this, and there were fewer and fewer jobs for musicians, would that bother you? -- I'm thinking here about the aesthetics of the issue, not the economics or justice of it. 

I'm trying to understand if people just want to have a certain set of sensations from music and they don't care if there are human beings creating it -- or if it's important for you to know that what you're experiencing from music (or art) is coming from human beings.

Thank you for thinking about this.


Showing 8 responses by inna

My position is very clear. I will not listen to this artificial junk or support it in any way. The argument that AI is created by humans is weak to me, and in time AI may not need human participation at all. People better start improving natural intelligence, and that's much harder.

It is an open question of how far AI can go. This is the most dangerous experiment I can think of. We can't really even control ourselves, how can we hope to be able to control we don't know what ? And why bother with this AI nonsense, anyway ?

Primitive robots is one thing and true AI is something completely different.

I can see that people here are talking about very different levels of AI advancement. Who knows, in time those robots might be able to replicate emotions, or even generate them to become a fully developed artificial life form. Would you accept this kind of humanoid-like being ? Tough, isn't it ? Any fans of Star Trek: The Next Generation ? Fantasy might become reality, but not tomorrow.

Sounds of nature can definitely be called music. As for the who the composer is, there is no composer, the music created itself. In other words, there was no creation - it always existed.

Human composers don't really create anything either, they simply bring out what was already there.

We will have other problems after WW III in a situation of deteriorating climate, no one will even think about AI then. But we will need robots, no doubt of that.

hilde45, I am a well-known "eco-fascist", as someone called me once.

Let's enjoy music in all its variety and forms. Without AI and brain implants.

I got it. Humans are AI as well, we just don't quite realize it, so one AI will create another, same culture, nothing to worry about.

Fusion still only works in a lab, barely. It's a long way until it becomes useful.