Ideas? PowCords for deHavilland GM70 SETamps

My system is about as complete as I could want it. Some tell me Power cords make a huge difference. Hopefully someone with experience w/ S.E.T. amp could lend me a hand. These are 50 watters. They currently are using Zu Mother power cables to a Sound Application Power Conditioner. Source is APL 3910 (tube output) CDP direct to them. Zindak Gold speaker cables and Green Mountain Continuum 3 speakers.
Thanks in advance, Tom

Showing 1 response by jwpstayman

I have had great success with Purist Audio Design Venustas power cords on the dh amps in one system and in a defferent system, I prefer the Nordost Vishnu - go figure! It would be best to give them both a listen if you can.