Ideas for my next DAC....?


1- USB and Ethernet capable
2- Plays all/most hi-res formats
3- Can serve as my pre-amp/volume control with no SQ degradation

Price range: 6-10k used or demo

Tbh I'm really just starting to collect ideas to compare to my current DAC, which I actually like quite a bit, but just - as always - wondering "what else is out there".

Since retiring my Audio Note DAC, I haven't had a chance to listen to anything other than the DSD, which makes me itchy.  I loved the AN -- actually it sounded incredible -- but it's technology lost pace with the rest of my system (limited hi-res capability, no network connectivity option far as I'm aware, and I hadn't done USB so would have to send it in).

Showing 1 response by soix

I'd add the Metrum Adagio.  Nice review (and Blue Moon award) in 6moons.