Ideal power amp for PSB speakers

Hi all

Hopefully someone had good experience on this.

I have Pioneer vsx with preouts. My speakers are Image 5Ts at 6ohm nominal, low 4 ohm. LR and Center.

I like to listen at low, not louder than half way. I am 50% music and 50% movies for my setup. I listen jazz, classic, classic rock with are suited for these speakers.

Now my dilemna, reading thru millions of posts:), ideal power amp would correct and smooth pioneer output to match these speakers.

I am looking at Rotel 1075, Emotiva xp3, Anthem and b&k

I prefer class ab over d because listening range.

Any options are welcome. Thanks!
I have used NAD and Naim with good success with PSB gold stratus i, PSB platinum T6. Anything with decent power will drive them.
I have a B&K Reference 2220 Stereo Power Amplifier in 9/10 condition that I will sell for $600 plus S&H and PayPal fees.

It will sound great in your system - we used it with our Pioneer VSX-45 receiver and Aerial 5B speakers as a second system in our summer home.