ical icon mkii transport same as the delta

i just got an alpha dac and am using my old icon mkii as the tranport. thinking seriously about upgrading the transport and a delta seems like a good choice, but is it much different than the icon? another transport? also looking fo a tube that woould be more out and present with bigger bass than the mullards cv4004's. any suggestions? thanks
the delta is a slight step up from the icon, invest in a good power chord to your icon first. However money better spent would be to upgrade the alpha to an EVS Millenium II dac. I did just that and it was a totally jaw dropping experience, much bigger than a transport difference. I have auditioned the alphas and sigmas, but this is clearly much more resolution, warm and soundstage. I'm tempted to get a delta (I've auditioned them extensively) just to make sure I'm not missing any nuance that the EVS can resolve

EVS site www.tweakaudio.com
or search here on EVS reviews

good luck

funny thing, i have an evs millenium ii on the way with one of ric's recommended digital cables. i also have an mit power cord for the delta. is an upgraded power cord better utilized with the transport than the dac? i am also looking to upgrade my transport and have four possibilites in mind:
sony 7000 dvd
pioneer pd65 (or other stable platter)
nad 540/541
theta data II cd/ld

any thoughts on these or others would be much appreciated!

(i live in the sticks of the hudson valley and tend to buy equipment without audition since there's no high end store for over 100 mi.)

thanks, art