Hi I'd really like to know if anyone is successfully and enjoyably using either a PS Audio or dCS SACD transport into a high end DAC such as the Mola Mola. I'm not interested in hearing about CHI-FI DACs.

I am specicically interested in pure DSD across I2s which has not been converted in any way and any issues with high end DACs handling the signal.

If you can enlighten me on alternative I2s, DSD transports and servers or even possible USB to I2s converters, it would be highly appreciated. Thanking you in advance. My server is an Aurender N20.


Showing 2 responses by mahler123

I have a few hundred SACDs.  My Oppo players output  the DSD layer over HDMI.  My Bryston DAC3 has HDMI inputs.  It sounds amazing and so far Sony hasn't sent a SWAT team to haul me off to a Penitentiary.

  It's amazing that the Mola Mola people would make such an ignorant statement.  I was wondering if I should spend a work bonus on a Tambiqui but if they are that stupid it's giving me cause for pause



The Tambiqui sounds like it could be a great DAC.  I know that you can get DSD as you described, and there are other ways as well.  I choose to do it by the method described above in my two channel system and then I use the SACDs in my multi channel system as well.  I was just reacting to the inaccuracies that another poster related came from someone associated with MM.

  The disc to DAC works well for me but would require either IS2 or HDMI, both of which MM doesn't offer, so let us know how you fare