Hi I'd really like to know if anyone is successfully and enjoyably using either a PS Audio or dCS SACD transport into a high end DAC such as the Mola Mola. I'm not interested in hearing about CHI-FI DACs.

I am specicically interested in pure DSD across I2s which has not been converted in any way and any issues with high end DACs handling the signal.

If you can enlighten me on alternative I2s, DSD transports and servers or even possible USB to I2s converters, it would be highly appreciated. Thanking you in advance. My server is an Aurender N20.


Showing 3 responses by azwill

I reached out to Mola-Mola and GTT Audio essentially asking if there could be a path to add at least I2S to the Makua DAC module, like the Tambaqui,  along with dip switches or App programming to configure I2S compatibility for use with various I2S disc transports, including SACD such as PS Audio PST.  I thought it probably a remote possibility with too few potential buyers but thought best to get direct answer.

I received a negative response from both plus opinion from both that transmitting SACD layer unencrypted violates Sony patent and opens up possibility of litigation. Additionally response indicated that not only must "have priority encryption to work ONLY within the same brand transport/dac" or open to large risk.

They are aware that some companies have done so, but does not appear, for now, that Mola-Mola will do so.

I believe Sony patent is near expiration on SACD, but there may be amplifying related protections on this and/or various expiration periods worldwide.

In the world of litigation exposure, I can appreciate their conservative position on this isssue.  I do not have a PST, nor have I posed the question to PS Audio.

I will follow this thread to see what you and others further contribute on this.



I believe PS Audio PST is handshakable with some other DACs such as Holo May and, I believe, Denafrips, and PS Audio's DirectStream DAC.  There may be others I am not aware of yet.   I only contacted Mola-Mola, and my posting above reflects their position on this currently.  I think it is the case that other high end DAC manufacturers with I2S inputs would need to be individually contacted and/or tested with PST SACD for knowing their compatibility.


DSD is not restricted and there are multiple sources where you can download DSD music and play through USB and depending on DAC and DSD resolution, through other digital transmission means, including I2S.  DSD layer contained within SACD though is different.   There have been prior SACD capable players in the past that could be "hacked" to transmit DSD from the SACD over non-restrictive digital means, and there are people who sell service to extract DSD from SACDs.   I have not pursued either of these.   My SACD collection is modest, with most being hybrid SACDs with both SACD layer and CD quality PCM layer.   Mola-Mola DAC is not a non-oversampling (NOS) DAC and instead  all incoming digital audio is upsampled to 3.125MHz/32 bits and converted to noise shaped PWM and from PWM to analog.  PS Audio DirectStream DAC upsamples as to several DAC manufacturers.

I have yet to come to my own opinion how much influence, if any, I can perceive for DSD source via high resolution PCM for playback from the Mola-Mola.  I believe I can perceive some difference in higher rate resolution PCM vs CD quality resolution with the Mola-Mola.   However, remastered past recordings to higher rate PCM does not guarantee a better recording.  

In the past, I have tried to download music at the resolution of the original recorded.  If DSD is edited in the studio, my understanding is it is converted to DXD for editing and then converted to DSD again.  Some DACs offer NOS as well as conversion upsampling.   Roon offerrs conversion sampling options as well as software like HQPlayer, for example.  

More and more I am less interested in the format than how it sounds to me and how much effort and expense for me to have different format and resolution and how much improvement, if any, to get there.  Audio evolves and through the years I have found myself boxed in at times with equipment and formats that do not endure.