I would like to upgrade from Sumiko MMT tonearm

I inherited a sota star sapphire turntable and sumiko mmt tonearm and grado reference ( the cartridge does not have wood sides?)cartridge. The sound is good but not great on old rock albums albeit with many scratches. Jazz does sound much better. Can someone recommend a better tonearm/cartridge combo that won't break the bank?? Or should I just buy some higher quality Vinyl ??

Showing 1 response by ddarch44

Proper set up is critical. The stylus is tracking information many times smaller than a human hair. There are some great helpful guides at the top of the Vinyl Asylum home page.

MY recommedation beyond proper set up is to get a record vac. A little over $200 at Audio Advisor. It's the best $200 I EVER spent on audio improvement. Ever use a Stridex pad and been surprised at what crud it pulled out of your pores? Same thing for a record vac and an lps grooves.
